Ethical and Legal Issues Related to Effective Technology Use: Copyright

Hello! In today's post, I prepared the topic 'Ethical and Legal Issues Related to Effective Technology Use' as a template and also, a template with its subtitle 'Copyright'. I briefly introduced and explained the items to you. Since 'ethical and legal issues' is the subject of our course, I prepared both a template for it and a template for 'copyright', which is the sub-heading I chose because it is a comprehensive, interesting and important subject that needs to be known.

I found the templates ready-made on the Canva site, I leave the links of the original templates below. I also got help from a site while preparing a template on 'Copyright', I will leave the link of this site below.

Finding the appropriate template, especially an eight-item template, was difficult, but it didn't take much effort. I had no difficulty in preparing the template and adapting it to my own subject, I even had fun. If I were to create it from scratch, I might have a hard time, but I think using the ready-made one would make me feel a little more stress-free. :) I'm not sure if this is morally right, but that's how I felt.

About using templates in teaching English; at first, I could not find the benefit of using templates in language teaching. Because language learning is an abstract thing, how could it be put into templates? However, when I thought about it later, it occurred to me that these templates could be used in translation, antonyms-synonyms and similar topics, and sub-words of a topic title. For example, in a concept map related to the subject of 'Kitchen', even words such as 'cooking, baking, grilling' can be templated to increase memorability. Even distributing it as a worksheet or including it in the course book can be useful, especially for students with visual memory. So I decided that its use could produce beneficial results.


Template 1:


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