Final Post :')
Hello, this will be my last blog post. Now the semester is over, even the second year is over. It was a nice semester but with a lot of homework.
Before taking this course, the lessons I dreamed of were
lessons spent using paper, watching videos, and maybe watching TV
series/movies. However, this course really taught me that technology can have
an important place in English education and that it can be used beneficially
when desired. I now think that I can give my students useful homework or use
course materials using technology.
This course taught me that the use of technology in ELT is
important. I realized that it is important not only to use worksheets and
videos, but also to actively involve students in the lesson by using technology.
It may be useful for students to prepare a template or
create a digital story. It can be useful as homework where they will use active
English and technology. I support the use of the strange but entertaining AI we
interviewed, as well as the use of Google Documents, which is very helpful in
collaborative work. However, I probably wouldn't want them to do a podcast.
My least favorite task was preparing a podcast. Publishing a
podcast felt like an invasion of privacy. I don't like recording audio anyway.
That's why my least favorite task was the podcast, and I don't think I would
ask it of my students either. I think my favorite assignments are the movie
review and interview assignment. The interview felt very real and I realized
that I loved doing interviews. I guess I like asking questions to people and
learning about them. Also, I think I liked the movie review assignment because
it gave me the chance to watch the movie that I had been postponing for a long
time. But I think I had fun doing all the tasks other than the podcast.
Term is over, 2nd grade is over, blog assignments are over.
It was nice to be able to add something from myself here. :') Goodbye!
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