
Final post :')

Hello! This will be my last post for this semester.😶 In this post, I will evaluate the course and activities. First of all, I want to start by evaluating the course. This course is not actually easy or a course that will relax the student. We are asked to design homework every week and trying to complete only one course's homework every week is tiring. Of course, homework increases our interaction with technology, but it is not logical or easy to have homework every week. That's why I think the course is difficult. However, I am happy that the course introduced me to technologies that I can use in the future. I only think that homework time can be increased or the number of homework can be reduced. If I were to talk about assignments, I didn't have any really hard time doing them, it was just tiring to have to do them every week, as I said. But it was also fun. I think it was a bit more relaxing since I did them with my friends. I think this time I don't have any...

You are a journalist!

Hello everyone!  In this post, our task was to design an AI-integrated teaching material. We designed a material where students can do a reportage with a celebrity of their choice. We asked them to do this interview using the magic school page. Magic school is a fun app to use so we thought it would be a fun activity. As an activity where students can develop their writing skills, we asked them to prepare reporting questions and then write about the reporting, their interactions with the celebrity, and their experiences using magic school. We used Canva to prepare the material. It was a fun activity to prepare. This is my post since it's an assignment with nothing much to talk about. See you in my last post! You can see our material here . You can see our lesson plan here .

A little trip to Paris

Hello everyone! In today's vlog, I will share the AR/VR integrated teaching material that I made with my friends. Let's first explain what these are. -AR (Augmented Reality): It is an experience created by placing digital elements on the real world. For example, like pointing your phone camera at a room and seeing a virtual furniture there. You see both the real world and virtual objects at the same time. -VR (Virtual Reality): You dive into a completely virtual world. By wearing VR glasses, you do not see the real world and feel in a completely computer-generated environment. For example, like walking around in a game world. I think this technology can help us convey things like culture and popular places in the countries that speak the language we teach to our students. It is a great technology to be able to explore places as if you were there, from your device. In this assignment, we introduced 2 famous places and 1 museum in Paris. We also added a video about the mo...

A lecture video :)

Hello again! In this post, I will share my lesson video. I'm excited because, as someone who has watched lecture videos on YouTube for years, shooting a video in this format for the first time made me excited. We shot a lecture video in accordance with the "flipped classroom approach". What is it? “A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy where traditional learning environments are reversed. Instead of lectures in class, students watch instructional videos or read materials at home. Class time is then used for interactive activities like discussions, problem-solving, and projects, allowing for deeper engagement and personalized support from the teacher.” This type of approach allows students to learn at home in a relaxed environment. It provides time during class time to go over parts that are not understood or to do more activities related to the topic in class. However, it is a method that should not be considered for a classroom environment and student pr...

Lesson plan and material design

Hello everyone! In today's post, I will talk about the homework I prepared with my friends. In this homework, we prepared a lesson plan and a Corpus-based material. We used the ASSURE model in our lesson plan. First, let me explain to you what these terms are. Corpus-based Materials: “Corpus-based materials are teaching or learning resources developed using real language data from a corpus. These materials reflect how language is actually used in real-life contexts, making them more authentic and relevant for learners.” ASSURE model: “The ASSURE model is a framework used to prepare an effective lesson plan. It begins by analyzing the student, determining the objectives of the lesson, selecting appropriate materials, using these materials effectively, ensuring active participation of the students, and finally developing the plan through evaluation." We used the COCA application in our material, allowing students to contribute to their own learning. We used Canva to ...

Hello again!

Hello again my followers! I am Elif as you know, I took a long break from my blog but now it is time to get back to it. How are you? I hope you are well. I am fine, I’m still alive. I started a new university term. This blog was a course material I needed for a class I took last year and you have witnessed all my homework stages. I will continue to do this this year. Our lesson is Current Issues in Teaching. The aim of the course is to teach how using technology can benefit English language teaching and course content. It will teach us the tips we need on topics such as how we can create creative activities and develop teaching styles using AI. I hope it will really be useful for us and that it will not be a lesson that will drown us in homework and bore us instead of improving. We will complete this lesson again according to the contents of the assignments we shared in our blogs. That's why I activated my blog. I'm here this term too. I look forward to sharing interestin...

Final Post :')

Hello, this will be my last blog post. Now the semester is over, even the second year is over. It was a nice semester but with a lot of homework. Before taking this course, the lessons I dreamed of were lessons spent using paper, watching videos, and maybe watching TV series/movies. However, this course really taught me that technology can have an important place in English education and that it can be used beneficially when desired. I now think that I can give my students useful homework or use course materials using technology. This course taught me that the use of technology in ELT is important. I realized that it is important not only to use worksheets and videos, but also to actively involve students in the lesson by using technology. It may be useful for students to prepare a template or create a digital story. It can be useful as homework where they will use active English and technology. I support the use of the strange but entertaining AI we interviewed, as well as the u...