
Final Post :')

Hello, this will be my last blog post. Now the semester is over, even the second year is over. It was a nice semester but with a lot of homework. Before taking this course, the lessons I dreamed of were lessons spent using paper, watching videos, and maybe watching TV series/movies. However, this course really taught me that technology can have an important place in English education and that it can be used beneficially when desired. I now think that I can give my students useful homework or use course materials using technology. This course taught me that the use of technology in ELT is important. I realized that it is important not only to use worksheets and videos, but also to actively involve students in the lesson by using technology. It may be useful for students to prepare a template or create a digital story. It can be useful as homework where they will use active English and technology. I support the use of the strange but entertaining AI we interviewed, as well as the u

An Interview

Hello, in today's blog our task was to interview a character. When I was first given this assignment, I approached it with some prejudice because it had so many steps. But Magic School AI gave me a very realistic conversation and I was amazed. I chose to do my interview with Fatih Sultan Mehmet. While I was studying at university in Istanbul and walking around its streets, I couldn't help but remember him. I admire him because I think we are really lucky that he added this magnificent city to our Türkiye. That's why I chose to do the interview with him and I must say that I was really pleased with the result. Magic School AI really made me feel like I was in front of that person and talking to them. It responded with a natural flow and really emotional sentences. I really liked this. When I become a teacher, I would really consider having my students do a task like this and use this AI because it was so much fun. I didn't feel like I was talking to an artificial int

A Film Review

Our homework for today was to interpret a movie and we interpreted Corpse Bride with my friends Diana and Zeynep. Afterwards, we received a review from another group. I also leave my friends' blogs here:  Diana's Blog Zeynep's Blog We used Google Documents to do the movie review. I think Google Documents is really useful for doing a collaborative task. It is very convenient for common use as everyone has the right to edit and interpret it. In addition, since it is accessible from anywhere, even people who do not have the opportunity to meet can work together. I would give my students a task in which they would use documents. Because it is a platform that makes working together easier. So, I might consider giving assignments where they will use documents. I can also give movie review duties. Because watching movies is fun and such a task can also be useful for improving writing skills. It was a fun task for me too. Corpse Bride is a very famous animation and I felt lik

A Digital Story

Hello everyone! In today's post, we fulfilled our duty of preparing a 'digital story' and prepared a  video .  This assignment was Creating a Public Service Announcement video and we discussed the harms of using straws to humans, animals and the environment in our assignment. Choosing a topic for this assignment was not difficult at all because it was easy to find a current topic. I did not experience any difficulties in recording audio. However, I would not prefer to give such an assignment to my students because I do not think that it will gain anything, in fact, I think it is a time-consuming activity. I can also give students different tasks that aim to integrate technology.   That's it, thank you.

A Podcast

Hello! In today's post, I will share a task given as the content of our course. Our mission this time was to make a  podcast  where we would come up with an idea to improve the world and explain it.  I had no problems while recording and also, I didn't have a hard time choosing the topic because I believe it is something that is really needed. But since I think compressing it into 60 seconds is not enough, I would like to explain a little more. When we look at the news, we see that there are many negative events. And, the people who carry out these events are not very healthy. Of course, there are people with congenital mental problems, but there are also many people who are negatively affected by their experiences. I think they are the ones who need to be integrated into society. Especially the poor children of people who do not know how to be parents cannot be expected to be healthy when they grow up. So, those who will be parents must also be mentally strong. In addition,

Ethical and Legal Issues Related to Effective Technology Use: Copyright

Hello! In today's post, I prepared the topic 'Ethical and Legal Issues Related to Effective Technology Use' as a  template  and also, a  template  with its subtitle 'Copyright'. I briefly introduced and explained the items to you. Since 'ethical and legal issues' is the subject of our course, I prepared both a template for it and a template for 'copyright', which is the sub-heading I chose because it is a comprehensive, interesting and important subject that needs to be known. I found the templates ready-made on the Canva site, I leave the links of the original templates below. I also got help from a site while preparing a template on 'Copyright', I will leave the link of this site below. Finding the appropriate template, especially an eight-item template, was difficult, but it didn't take much effort. I had no difficulty in preparing the template and adapting it to my own subject, I even had fun. If I were to create it from scratch,

21st Century Education Style

Hello! In this post, I will talk about the benefits of the 21st century education style for my readers who are interested in current and modern education approaches. 21st century education is a modern learning approach that has kept up with the developments of the age. In addition to developing many social and individual skills, it has also integrated technology into education. It helps students develop skills such as, -critical thinking -in-group communication -use of digital tools and so on. I believe that the approach of actively using technology in education will provide students with an environment of global discovery. The use of technology that allows access to global environments in learning a foreign language causes the student to be more exposed to the foreign language he/she is learning, which makes learning permanent. In addition, since the 21st century learning style contributes to the development of features such as group communication, it enables the student to de